
How To Watch A Variable In A Service

$scope acts as a built-in object in AngularJs.

It consists of awarding data and methods. The $scope is acts as a link betwixt a controller and view (HTML).

$scope is used to transfer the data.


Scope in AngularJs object has $watch event which comes into moving-picture show when the model belongings gets inverse or altered.

When a data binding is created from some point of programme in the view to a variable on the $scope object, a watch is created internally in AngularJs.

The digest gets called multiple times, when nosotros $sentinel() a function.

Every time when nosotros bind the UI, We insert $watch in $watch listing.

User: <input blazon="text" ng-model="user" /> Countersign: <input type="password" ng-model="laissez passer" />        


<!DOCTYPE html>

< html >

< head >

< championship >

AngularJs $spotter() Role with GFG

</ championship >

< script src =

</ script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

var app = athwart.module("watchApp", []);

app.controller("watchCtrl", function ($scope) {

$scope.count = -i;

$scope.$lookout man(

"txtval", function (newval, oldval) {

$scope.count = $telescopic.count + 1;



</ script >

</ head >

< body >

< div ng-app = "watchApp"

ng-controller = "watchCtrl" >

Enter Text:< input type = "text"

ng-model = "txtval" />

< br />

< br />

< span style = "color: Light-green;" >

$watch() Function Fired: {{count}}</ span >

</ div >

</ trunk >

</ html >

$watch in AngularJs is a service.

Information technology is used to keep the track of the changes on specific properties inside a given scope. It is similar to an upshot listener. eastward changes are made in the value of specified variables.

When we register a watch we pass 2 functions equally parameters to the $watch() office.These functions are:

  • A value part
  • A listener function


$scope.$lookout(part() {}, //value function              function() {}  //listener function              );

A watcher can change in responses on:

  1. Timeouts
  2. UI
  3. Circuitous asynchronous computations performed by web workers
  4. Ajax calls

Methods Used: $telescopic.$watchGroup

$watchGroup() is a shortcut to prepare watchers with the same callback, passing an array of watchExpressions.

$telescopic.$watchGroup(['obj.a', '[4]', 'letters[8]'], function(newValues, oldValues, scope) {

$scope.$watchCollection is a shortcut to watch arrays or objects. In arrays, the listener is called when any of the elements are replaced, deleted, or added.

The $watch keeps rails of the variable. This role takes two arguments:

  1. new value

    $scope.$picket('expression', role (newvalue, oldvalue) { //expression parameter

  2. old value

    $scope.$watch(function () {}, function (newvalue, oldvalue) { //Part Parameter
    // Code


<!DOCTYPE html>

< html >

< head >

< script src =

</ script >

</ caput >

< torso ng-app = "myNgApp" >

< div ng-controller = "myController" >

Message: < input type = "text"

ng-model = "message" />

< br />

New Message: {{newMessage}} < br />

One-time Message: {{oldMessage}}

</ div >

< script >

var ngApp = angular.module('myNgApp', []);

ngApp.controller('myController', role ($telescopic) {

$scope.message = "GeeksForGeeks!";


'message', office (newValue, oldValue) {

$scope.newMessage = newValue;

$scope.oldMessage = oldValue;



</ script >

</ body >

</ html >



We telephone call the the $digest() function when AngularJS thinks information technology is necessary.

For example, after a push button click  handler is executed, or after an AJAX call returns.


The $scope.$apply() function takes a part every bit parameter which it is executed, and after that $scope.$digest() is called internally. That makes it helpful to all the watches are checked

$scope.$utilise(function() {    $ = "value"; });        

Example of $Watch:

< div class = "container" information-ng-app = "app" >

< div grade = "well" data-ng-controller = "FooCtrl" >

< p >< strong >Controller1</ strong ></ p >

< div class = "row" >

< div course = "col-sm-6" >

< p >< a href = ""

ng-click =

"setItems([ { name: 'I am single item' } ])" >

Send item one </ a ></ p >

< p >< a href = ""


"setItems([ { proper name: 'Detail one of 2' },

{ name: 'Item 2 of 2' } ])">

Ship particular two </ a ></ p >

< p >< a href = ""


"setItems([ { proper name: 'Detail one of 3' },

{ name: 'Detail 2 of three' },

{ proper noun: 'Item 3 of three' } ])">

Send detail three </ a ></ p >

</ div >

< div class = "col-sm-vi" >

< p >< a href = ""

ng-click = "setName('Sheldon')" >

Send name: Geeks</ a ></ p >

< p >< a href = ""

ng-click = "setName('Leonard')" >

Ship name: For</ a ></ p >

< p >< a href = ""

ng-click = "setName('Penny')" >

Send name: Geeks</ a ></ p >

</ div >

</ div >

</ div >

< div class = "well"

data-ng-controller = "BarCtrl" >

< p >< strong >Controller2</ strong ></ p >

< p ng-if = "name" >Name is: {{ name }}</ p >

< div ng-repeat = "item in items" >

{{ }}</ div >

</ div >

</ div >

var app = angular.module( 'app' , []);

app.factory( 'PostmanService' , part () {

var Postman = {};

Postman.fix = function (key, val) {

Postman[primal] = val;


Postman.become = function (key) {

return Postman[primal];

}; = function ($telescopic, cardinal, onChange) {

render $scope.$spotter(

office () {

render Postman.get(fundamental);


function (newValue, oldValue) {

if (newValue !== oldValue) {

$scope[cardinal] = newValue;

if (athwart.isFunction(onChange)) {

onChange(newValue, oldValue);






return Postman;


app.controller( 'FooCtrl' , [ '$scope' ,

'PostmanService' ,

part ($scope, PostmanService) {

$scope.setItems = part (items) {

PostmanService.ready( 'items' , items);


$scope.setName = role (proper name) {

PostmanService.set( 'proper name' , name);



app.controller( 'BarCtrl' , [ '$scope' ,

'PostmanService' ,

function ($scope, PostmanService) {

$scope.items = [];

$scope.proper noun = '' ;$scope, 'items' );

$scope, 'name' , function (newVal, oldVal) {

alarm( 'Hullo, ' + newVal + '!' );




.well {

margin-top : 10px ;

margin-bottom : 10px ;


p:terminal-child {

margin-bottom : 0 ;


How To Watch A Variable In A Service,


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