
Go Shintai Of Life's Origin How To Get

Another great gear up and some other great fourth dimension for a new Commander build. Kamigawa Neon Dynasty has brought some fantastic flavour and several Legends back into the mix. I cannot wait to see all the new cards beingness used, and the new Legendary creatures being put to work. For this week'south commodity I chose Get-Shintai of Life's Origin which is a five color Enchantment / Shrine build. One crazy thing about this card is the amount of time information technology takes to find out what product y'all can open a Go-Shintai of Life'south origin in. So far all I could find is that they come in Set Boosters. Since the set is brand new and released today there are non many copies out there and the price will come downwards. So hopefully you can either open one upwardly yourself, or wait a few weeks to society one. The electric current price is roughly $thirty-$32.

This build is similar to my Sythis, Harvest's Hand build, but is 5 colors instead of two. This opens the door for more than Enchantments and all kinds of different interactions and abilities. The master thing I wanted to exercise is stick to the season of Shrines, and then I added all of them to the mix right away. The deck has 17 Shrines total including the commander.

Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose (NEO) Go-Shintai of Lost Wisdom (NEO)

Go-Shintai of Hidden Cruelty (NEO) Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars (NEO) Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor (NEO)

Ane matter to notation when just searching for Shrines is there was as well one Shrine for every color printed in Odyssey, but they were all Enchantments and non with the Shrine Subtype. In that location was even a set of Artifact Shrines in New Phyrexia, but they were something entirely unlike and also did not have the Shrine subtype. Hopefully in the time to come we can come across some new sets of Shrines!

Then, the deck can win by utilizing the Shrines themselves which do all kinds of broken things once abilities stack, simply what kind of support do nosotros have? Well, how about we play all of the best Enchantments that we can. The top Enchantments in the deck are: Sylvan Library, Rhystic Report, and Smothering Tithe. However, we too have a new card coming to the mix that I felt fit the flavor in The Kami War. Other Enchantments which assist support the theme while too abrasive opponents are: Binding the Old Gods, Enchantress'south Presence, Ghostly Prison, Greater Auramancy, Paradox Brume, Propaganda, Sphere of Safety, Sterling Grove, and The Eldest Reborn. I too had Phyrexian Loonshit in the tiptop Enchantments in the deck, merely decided to cut it due to the dual black in the mana toll. The card would still exist fantastic in the build, but since it already had tons of card describe I idea information technology was not needed.

Not only does Become-Shintai of Life's Origin reanimate your Artifacts, simply we besides have several cards in the deck that do the aforementioned. We can likewise get back Enchantments with: Dance of the Manse, Open the Vaults, and Replenish. Keep in mind that Replenish is a nigh $100 dollar carte and could easily exist substituted for Vivid Restoration. Originally I had Brilliant Restoration in the build but because of the Quad White in the casting cost, and it costing 3 more than than Replenish I decided to cutting it from the build. Withal information technology is a great card that would exist fantastic on a more than of a upkeep build for a similar deck.

Nosotros needed to add together to the versatility of the deck by over again protecting our board and having ways to deal with opponents cards. I added a copy of Cyclonic Rift considering every Blueish deck I play runs one. We are too running Heroic Intervention and Teferi'southward Protection to protect our board. For removal I am running Swords to Plowshares, Supreme Verdict, and Extinguish All Hope. The cool thing about Extinguish All Hope is it allows your Enchantment creatures to stay in play while taking out everything else. This is most an unfair reward if you tin can go information technology off, especially in the tardily game. This card is also on the border of beingness cut due to having double black in the casting price, but I wanted to playtest to see how it performs.

There are plenty of fantastic Creatures / Enchantment Creatures in the deck almost of which will help you lot draw cards. There is some versatility within the creatures and the brokenness of Sakashima of a Thousand Faces. I also added Zur the Enchanter to the deck to see how it performed. The deck looks fun to play and should also be a lilliputian competitive. Not many Commander decks run tons of Enchantment removal so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. The biggest downfall of this deck is probably the cost of all the cards and the 5 color mana base of operations. I went no upkeep restriction on the build and added several original dual Lands, shock Lands, fetch Lands, triomes, and more than. Feel free to substitute dual lands for shocklands, and run more than nuts and less expensive uncommon non-nuts. The biggest color percentages in club in the build are: Green, White, Bluish, Black, and so Red.

Become-Shintai of Life's Origin

Sean Cabral

I highly encourage you to build a shrine deck because of the amount of fun information technology volition be and the amount of cards you will depict. The fun will be in all the interactions that occur and the triggered abilities that happen. I hope this build gives you some insight and a base of operations into building your ain shrine deck.

Until Next Time,


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